IS MARIJUANA MEDICATION? IS MARIJUANA MEDICATION? I guess that depends on who you ask. If you ask a law person they'll tell you, "NO", but if you were to ask someone who smokes the THC Marijuana I bet they will tell you, "YES". I think we have to examine the real facts to find out the truth. Just because you like the way you feel after smoking a joint does not mean that good stuff is happening in your body. You could be dying with a smile on your face!😀 BlackDoctor website posted their take on the question: Is Marijuana Medication? Here is their article Marijuana users beware! While that high may clear your mind or set you at ease, new research details both the good AND bad on marijuana use. When it comes to the effects of weed on your health, it’s true, there’s a lot of misleading information circulating around the Internet. So, in an effort to soothe the chatter, we did a little digging ourselves. Believe it or not, marijuana has many positi...